Monday 25 August 2014

Film #108: THE DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1989)

I was completely struck to my core to find out that Robin Williams had died. He is one of the few people to walk to Earth and splash some colour into the dark world we live in. I cried when I found out but I hope that even after his death he will still be an inspiration.
So in tribute to him I decided to watch his films that I hadn't seen so I started with this beauty.
At first I thought this film was a bit strange but the further I got into it the more I loved it and was moved by the characters and their stories. I loved the scene in the courtyard where Robin Williams' character, John Keating, made the children walk around to make the point of not conforming to others.
This was a beautiful film and a truly inspirational performance from Robin Williams.
O' Captain. My Captain. We shall forever miss you.

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