Monday, 16 June 2014

Film #60: MAN OF STEEL (2013)

I have a small rant about superhero film as a huge fan of superheros and superhero films. And my rant is this.
They never do them justice.
The only superhero films which I love and will always love is the Xmen film series as they match the genius and brilliance of the comics. But all other superhero films whether they are DC or Marvel are always slightly disappointing and Man of Steal was no different.
It was a great build up and it was a wonderful story narrative with the fantastic Russell Crowe but the end battle which is meant to be one of epic proportion was just a flop.
And I have an issue with Amy Adams as Lois Lane, it's my same issue with Natalie Portman as Jane Foster and Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts. They're too 'Hollywood' as actors and are only in the films so that fans will watch because of their status that they've already claimed. But the honest to Zeus truth is that these actresses are not suited for these roles and I feel are not suited for superhero movies. I know another unpopular opinion.
But I feel this is what needs to change in order for the superhero genre of films to become more successful and to give the audience voyeurism.

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