Tuesday 24 June 2014

Film #68: GHOSTBUSTERS (1984)

I loved this film it was so cheesy and wonderful. I loved the idea of the ghostbusters and their outfits are awesome. *Spoiler Alert* Although this movie was spoiled for me as when I started watching it my sister came into the room and said "Isn't this the film Sigourney Weaver goes evil and is possessed?" And as I hadn't seen it before I didn't know but the further I got into the film I realised that that does happen and my sister ruined a really good film for me!  I still haven't forgiven her!
I loved this film it really shows the beginning of a new era of film with the hybrid genre being the most desirable film to watch. It was a great balance of sci-fi, comedy and romance. Which makes this film the perfect family film as it caters for most peoples tastes. I would happily sit down and watch this with my family as I love sci-fi as does my mother, my sister and father love comedy and my other sister loves romance films. I really loved this film as I didn't know what to expect next from the Ghostbusters and that's something wonderful that a film can give it's audience.
In fact I will tell you a secret dear readers....I loved this film so much that I've just brought Ghostbusters pyjama bottoms for myself :)

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