Friday 29 November 2013

Film #21: SAVING MR BANKS (2013)

Today was a beautiful trip to the cinema and I viewed the glorious Saving Mr Banks. It was amazing.
It was based around Walt Disney (Tom Hanks) trying to get the rights from P.L.Travers (Emma Thompson), but the film goes beyond just looking at the story of creating a masterpiece of a movie but also looks at the emotional side to the story of Mary Poppins and to what the book meant to Mrs Travers.
The film was completely stunning and has now given a more emtional dimension to the film that before was never seen.
The acting from Hanks and Thompson was second to none, both actors I fear have never been in a bad movie and so never disappoint, although that's their awesome ability to turn the most ordinary of films into a masterpiece worthy of royalty.
I was stunned by this film, truly and can't wait to watch it again!

Thursday 28 November 2013

Film #20: FORREST GUMP (1994)

Forrest Gump is a really good film, Tom Hanks was amazing, the film was good despite it being completely unbelievable. It's a film about love, pure and simple. A love that is formed through a friendships and an acceptance of every person, no matter of their race, age, disability, background or anything.
The film is based around a man called Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks) and tells of his extraordinary life journey. Gump was born with a wonky back and so was forced to wear leg braces in order to straighten it, he also had a low IQ and so was picked on at school. Except one girl allowed him friendship, her name was Jenny (Robin Wright), she befriended and looked after him. Gump's story continues through war, protests, shrimp catching, home owning, cutting grass and running for 3 years straight. But life keeps bringing him back to his Jenny.
This is a beautiful story that had me in tears by the end. And with a giant plot twist that I did not see coming, it was definitely a good watch.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Film #19: TOP GUN (1986)

Sorry for not posting for a few days but have had a mental few days.
Top Gun was surprisingly good, I didn't think I would enjoy a film about men flying in planes throughout, however I was pleasantly surprised.
The film follows the life of the spontaneous Maverick (Tom Cruise) and his attempt to graduate from his training in order to become in the Top Guns (hence the name of the film). It follows his life of being in competition with everyone around him in order to get to the top and the love relationship he slowly builds with Charlie (Kelly McGillis).
The acting in this film was really good and it was very well shot making it a beautiful watch. Also who doesn't love the songs Danger Zone or Take My Breath Away by Giorgio Moroder & Tom Whitlock? Answer, no one!
I would recommend this for those how like action films with a little bit of angst.

Friday 22 November 2013

Film #18: FLASHDANCE (1983)

Flashdance is a really good film. It is based around Jennifer Beals character, Alex, who is aspiring to become a professional dancer. However she is almost bottom of the food chain and works two jobs, one as a welder and the other a dancer at a club. The film follows her narrative as she starts a relationship with her boss Nick, Nick Hurley. And shows the art of determination to not give up on your dream as Alex is pulling her friends out of their funks and puts reassurance back into their lives about what they want. It shows her dream and her determination to get into a dance school and her auditioning for a place. The dance routine of which is truly awesome. The music as well for this film is amazing, particularly the classic song of Flashdance...What A Feeling by Irene Cara.
A good watch.


Monty Python is the classic parody and comedy film that is full of visual and verbal puns, random jokes and awesomeness. The film was really well shot and executed and was extremely well acted by the classic stars of the films. I did love the film, especially as I am a fan of John Cleese's voice! This definitely is a classic and should be watched by all men and women at least once in there lives.
Sorry that this is short but sweet, but this is all I have to say on the film, it was comedy genius!

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Film #16: ET (1982)

This film was a classic family film. It was sweet. It was funny. And it was easy to follow.
The film is based around a boy who see an alien in his garden. He then goes on a search for this creature leaving food for him as he does. One night he's sleeping outside waiting for this creature to show itself when an alien presents himself to the boy. He takes him to his room and hides him in there from his family. The next day he tells his brother Michael and sister Gertie about the alien and tells them that they have to keep it a secret. The alien soon learns to speak English and communicate with Elliot that he wants to "phone home". Michael then notices a decline in the aliens health and how Elliot starts calling himself "we". On Halloween Michael and Elliot dress the alien up as a ghost and take him to the forest so he can phone home. The next morning the Elliot and the alien both appear to be dying and as Elliot's mother Mary then becomes worried for her sons health and discovers the alien the government enter to quarantine off Elliot and the alien. The film continues to show the path of the lives of the alien and Elliot and the story of their friendship.
It was a good film and I would definitely watch it again.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Film #15: BAD BOYS 2 (2003)

Again I heard, Nick Frost's voice the entire time when watching this film but it was worth it.
The film was an ok film, I did enjoy it throughout but it was too laddish for me I think. There were many moments where I couldn't stop myself from laughing but at the same time there was a lot of joke about women and a lot of objectified women in the film and so I didn't find it amusing as a feminist. 
However I thought Will Smith's and Martin Lawrence's performances were extremely good and they both played their characters very well.
I probably would only watch this film again if I was with my friends and wanted a laugh of a film to watch. 
But overall not bad.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Film #14: POINT BREAK (1991)

This film was surprisingly good, action police films are always a winner! Although I will admit I had Nick Frost's voice saying "Have you seen Point Break? Bad Boys 2? You ain't seen Bad Boys 2" in a west country accent, any Hot Fuzz fan will understand that reference.
The film is based around the FBI trying to target a masked group of bank robbers, after a theory of the robbers being surfers, Johnny (Keanu Reeves) is set on the task of learning to surf and becoming one of them in order to find out inside information. So he befriends Bodhi (Patrick Swayze) and Tyler (Lori Petty) to learn to surf but also manages to make it into the wrong crowd of people.
The film is both cool but thrilling and I did enjoy it!

Friday 15 November 2013

Film #13: FUNNY GIRL (1968)

Another musical, I know I'm slightly obsessed. But I really wanted to watch this film as one of friends has been dying for me to see it and it contains one of my favourite songs, My Man.
The film was good but I felt, like with all older films, that it was too long and easily could have had 20 minutes taken off from it and it still would have been enjoyable to watch as it currently is.
The film is set around the life of Fanny Brice (Barbra Streisand) and her life towards fame and stardom. After battling her way through the chorus line she manages to get a solo in a show, which then leads to an offer from one of the most well known theatre producers, Florenz Ziegfield (Walter Pidgeon). This leads to her meeting Nick (Omar Sharif) who turns her world upside. He influences her to take risks, to be spontaneous and to live her life in the fast lane. However with pathetic fallacy mentioned in the beginning, Fanny starts to have a stroke of bad luck and a low period in her life between herself and her husband Nick. But she puts all of this into her work and makes it more powerful.
An ok film but even better for it's music and Streisand's voice is second to nothing.

Film #12: DOCTOR WHO THE MOVIE (1996)

In preparation for the Doctor Who 50th anniversary I decided to watch the Paul McGann movie as I've never seen it all the way through before.

The film is a classic in every way, with the conventional Doctor Who elements, with the Master, a lost Doctor, a confused companion and another person who also helps the Doctor but never receives the same amount of credit as the woman companion.
I thought the McGann was really good, he was quirky and serious but was able to not make the humorous moments stupid and so was able to keep the adult audience entertained. He also had the amazingly cool outfit to go with it that was as amazing as his cool curly hair.
The plot is featured around the Doctor's 8th regeneration into McGann after he is shot after stepping out of the tardis. After he is shot he is taken to hospital where his surgeon, Grace (Daphne Ashbrook) discovers that he has 2 hearts. Once the Doctor regenerates in the morgue and is conscious again he soon finds Grace who realises that he changed his face but is the same man that she was operating on and helps the Doctor realise that the Master (Eric Roberts) is back and wants to take away the rest of the Doctor's life's as he's used all of his up.
A really nice family friendly film, I did enjoy it as a big Doctor Who fan and felt that it was particularly good for the era with graphics and pyrotechnics.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Film #11: LINCOLN (2012)

Another Spielberg but he so lives up to his reputation.
This was another fantastic film with a great performance by Daniel Day-Lewis (Abraham Lincoln) and Sally Field (Mary Todd Lincoln).
The film did however surprise me, I did not expect it to focus so much on the slavery abolishing as appose to the American civil war, which is what most documentation of Lincoln is normally based around.
I enjoyed the film a lot and feel that I have slowly become a little obsessed with Abraham Lincoln and this film didn't help my obsession, I find him such and interesting character and is one of those rare characters in history that was perfect in every aspect of achieving great things and improving the future in a way that no one else can ever imagine possible. This film has highlighted that aspiration of Lincoln and has also given a new voice to him.
I will admit that at some parts the film was hard to watch due to it being very melancholy with lots of dialect and little alterations, however I do understand that Lincoln's life was very conversational and theoretical.
But overall a good film and I would definitely watch it again.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Film #10: SAVING PRIVATE RYAN (1998)

This film has blown my mind.
It was so beautiful and so iconic words cannot describe how wonderful this creation truly is. I recommend everyone to watch it at least once in their life.
It's based around the Normandy invasion in World War 2, when James Ryan's (Matt Damon) mother is informed that 3 of her 4 children have died in combat and the last is missing Captain Miller (Tom Hanks) is set on a mission to find him and return him home to his mother. He takes his best men and travels across foreign lands looking for a missing person. After many battles and the loss of some of his men he finally finds someone who knows of where Private Ryan is. However getting him home is another issue as for Ryan to leave his post, would out more lives at risk. Captain Millers skills of war are put to the test as he has to plan for attack and survival of his men and Private Ryan.
This film is absolutely, mind-blowingly, awesomely, catastrophically out of this world. Definitely a new favourite of mine and one that I very much am looking forward to rewatching again. Spielberg did a spectacular job!

Monday 11 November 2013

Film #9: WHAT WOMEN WANT (2000)

What Women Want was a horribly predictable film. For those out there that like the conventional rom-com movie that follows the same narrative structure then this is the film for you. But I found that the film dragged and even though it tried to give women power in actually just took it away and once again stereotyped women into all being needy, emotional trainwrecks that are dependable on a man being in their life in order to be happy. Well women are not like that, especially in today's society as well!
The film features the traditional sex obsessed bachelor, Nick (Mel Gibson), who only wants alcohol and one night stands. After his promotion is denied to him as given to a woman, Darcy (Helen Hunt), he decides to take a research task to the extreme and ends up electrocuting himself in his bath with a hairdryer. Once he wakes up he realises that he can hear women's thoughts. After getting over the initial shock he decides that he likes his new power and uses it to manipulate women to getting ahead in his job and to getting someone to going to bed with him. Also the powers help him open up to his daughter from his divorced marriage which helps her when she experiences bad boyfriend troubles at her prom. However like in any rom-com film he soon realises that he actually loves Darcy and the more he read her mind the more he has realised this.
This is the first film I would not recommend people to watch, along with the Twilight films!

Film #8: COLD MOUNTAIN (2003)

Sorry for not posting for a couple of days but it was my sisters birthday so I've been super busy with celebrating and eating cake (yum!).

So Cold Mountain.....
This film was extremely good, I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was, the acting by Nicole Kidman (Ada), Jude Law (Inman) and Renee Zellweger (Ruby) was outstanding. I understand why Zellweger got an Oscar nomination for her performance, however I am a bit astounded that Kidman did not receive one as she was phenomenal!
The story follows the love of Ada and Inman as after only just meeting they're separated by the American civil war which Inman leaves to fight in. Ada then has to continue with running her house and farm which becomes difficult after her father dies. She starts to have a breakdown and barely eats or goes out and makes not attempt to continue with the farm as she has little knowledge on how to run it. Meanwhile at war Inman continues fighting for 3years straight, keeping close to him a picture of Ada. He escapes death with by a fine line after being shot in the throat (which in reality he would have died from, but through Hollywood magic he survives). However during his recovery he receives a letter from Ada expressing her downfall and how much she desires to see him. So Inman escapes one night and starts to travel to find her. Although this now puts him in a bad position as becomes a wanted person for leaving his position when fit and well and not returning to war, and is therefore constantly on the run from everyone who could possibly turn him in and kill him. On his return to Ada he stops at many homes looking for a place to sleep at night including Sara (Natalie Portman). Meanwhile Ada gets the help from Ruby with help for running her farm who introduces her to a new way of life and becomes a friend for life; as well as introducing her to her dad and his friends who become an important part of her fate with Inmen.
The film was extremely long but was a good film.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Film #7: PRETTY WOMAN (1990)

Pretty Woman was recommended to me by my friends and they were right to it was a really good watch.
The film is based around the two extreme lives of Vivian (Julia Roberts) and Edward (Richard Gere) but just so happen to cross paths when Edward experiences a mini mid life crisis/breakdown.
Vivian is at a low in her life working as a hooker on the streets, one night Edward stops and asks her for directions she gets in his car and take him there. Not wanting to be alone Edward then invites her to come up to his hotel room as he's lonely and in need of company. After an awkward but funny scene of Vivian trying to get through the hotel lobby discretely, they then spend the evening together.
One thing then leads to another and Edward ends up hiring Vivian to stay with him for the week in which their friendship and love for one another grows. Edward spoils Vivian completely by buying her a new wardrobe and taking her out for dinners and to the opera.
A jealous rivalry comes from one of Edward's co workers as he knows of Vivian's true identity and tries to make a pass at her one several occasions.
A really well directed film and a heart warming rom-com, however the story lacks being believable  on a number of levels. A good Julie Roberts rom-com, although not my favorite as that will always remain with My Best Friends Wedding!

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Film #6: CABARET (1972)

As a lover of musicals today I chose Cabaret staring Liza Minnelli. The film is based around Minnelli's character Sally and her life. Including her job working at the Cabaret and her growing relationship with Maximilian (Helmut Griem) and Brian (Michael York). As the film progresses Sally becomes closer to both men, Brian can offer love whilst Max can offer her the life she's always dreamed of having. Which makes her life hard as she is too narrow in her feelings and life choices as they all revolve around achieving her dream of becoming an actor and living the high life. However like in any film, real life kick in and mature decisions have to be made causing Sally to review her relationships and life choices.
The film was enjoyable, if slightly peculiar at times. Although was fine acting by Minnelli, as well as wonderful singing of the classic songs such as 'Maybe this Time'!

However I am a bias musical theatre lover!

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Film #5: CARRIE (1976)

Today's film was the original Carrie from 1976, a film based on a Stephen King classic, staring Sissy Spacek as Carrie and receiving 2 Oscar nominations. The film is based around a girl (Carrie) with strange telekinetic powers, she has an extremely religious mother and is an outsider in school. As the film develops the audiences finds out more of her powers and her desires to fit in at school. When the senior prom arises Carrie is not in hope of being asked to go, until Sue (Amy Irving) makes her boyfriend, Tommy (William Katt) ask Carrie to the prom in order to help her make friends and to be accepted in the school. However suspicious and over protective teacher Miss Collins (Betty Buckley) believes it to be for other motives. Although her attentions are not on the correct peoples as Chris (Nancy Allen) and Billy (John Travolta) are the ones who are plotting to humiliate Carrie in front of everyone. Through her rebellion against her mother's religious views Carrie's power grow stronger, which results in horrifyingly, powerful results when prom night arrives and the scheme against her goes into full swing.
The film was a gripping story that kept me curious for the next step. I felt the film took too long for the audience to understand Carrie's character completely; however during the prom scene I was completely engrossed for the plan to unveil itself, of which I was hooked by the imagination of the plot and story that King wrote. Sissy Spacek was also phenomenal, her eyes were hypnotising and her psychotic stares put the shivers in my spine.
I don't think I want to watch the 2013 remake, I stand by the notion of institutions not ever being able to make successful remakes. The film was mesmerizing and I definitely would watch it again, the end minute made me jump so much.

Monday 4 November 2013


Today I watched Saturday Night Fever staring the iconic John Travolta as Tony Manero. The film is based around Tony and his passion for dancing, he lives a stereotypical working class life with parents that are constantly at each others throats, a meaningless dead end job at a paint/decorating store and a family who think that he is useless. However despite all his problems, like Billy Elliot, he finds his release through dancing on a Saturday night with his friends at their local disco. And when the dancing competition comes to Tony's attention he seeks every opportunity to maximise his chances of winning. This involves getting the help of Stephanie (Karen Lynn Gorney) who he partners with.
The film was an iconic piece for is time and the music by the Bee Gee's is as iconic as the film (although I am bias as a lover of the Bee Gee's). The narrative is simple, yet affect and drives home the importance of ambition in your life otherwise life becomes a drag and a routine in which you do not want to complete. Tony's story also shows the influences of your surroundings as he puts all his frustration from the world and the people around him into his dancing.
Travolta was a fantastic Tony and I understand how this role set off his acting career. Especially with his awesome dance moves, which I'm sure helped him land his other iconic role in Grease!
T'was a good watch, but I felt the ending was a little flat so is not making my favourites list.

Sunday 3 November 2013


So today's film is Brokeback Mountain, I decided to review this film as I was reading my media text book and it referred to Queer theory and linked it to this film. I had always known the basic narrative for the film but decided to then actually watch it. 
The film was surprisingly good, the story was easy to follow and was extremely well shot. As well as brilliant and brave performances from  Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal who executed the frustration of the emotion of the men loving one another so well. 
The film is based around two men Ennis (Ledger) and Jack (Gyllenhaal) travelling together to Brokeback Mountain on a job together in the 1960's. The film follows them becoming friends and living together in the woods but also then as their friendship turns into something more how they fight one another from the feelings that they have. 
After they finish the job they go their seperate ways and don't communicate with each other for four years, both of them finding a wife and starting families of their own. However they eventually find one another again and start to make trips to Brokeback Mountain numerous times each year in order to spend some time together. 
As the years go by the struggles of life start to catch up with them and experience more fights between them and more problems at home when away from each other. Because deep down they both want to go back to their first trip to the mountains and not have to experience the troubles of real life. 
I thought this film is beautiful for expressing the emotions behind gay love in the 60's; my major criticism is I found the ending to be flat compared to the rest of the film and expected a more dramatic and emotional response from Ledger's character. 

Saturday 2 November 2013

Film #2: THE IRON LADY (2011)

Today's film was The Iron Lady (2011) which is based around the life of Margret Thatcher. The film stars the amazing Meryl Streep and Jim Broadbent. I felt that the casting was extremely well done, as I know a lot of people would get annoyed by an American actress playing one of Britain's and female's biggest role models but Streep does it with so much passion and accuracy that she might have well been Thatcher. Streep was such an amazing match to being a strong, independent leader as, like Thatcher, that is who Meryl Streep is. She can say and do things that no other actress can. She is the only woman in the world who could get away with leaving an Oscar award in the toilets after having just won it (Streep actually did that!). So I take my hat off the Meryl, she did a fantastic performance!
The film itself was very well composed and really looked inside Thatcher's thoughts and life. It retold a story that many will be familiar with from having experienced it first hand except the film gave a new light of giving the emotions behind the mask that was always on when Thatcher was in public. Not only did the film have the historical, documentary side to it through the politics but it was also about a life long love between Thatcher and her husband (Broadbent) and the grieving that she had to endure. Although it posses hope at the end and enforces the old saying of a silver lining as Thatcher, strong as ever, fights through the emotion and towards the person she wants to be.
Definitely a new favourite!

Friday 1 November 2013


So the film that I kinda watched before but gave me the idea for the blog, was Edward Scissorhands. The film was beautifully made by Tim Burton in 1990, the film is based around the story of snow. The story of which is flash-backed to the tale of Peg (Diane Wiest), a sales women, finding an old abandoned house, inside lives Edward (Johnny Depp). Peg then tries to weave Edward into normal society, however by doing this she provokes the interest and concern of her nosy neighbours. More challenges present them self to Edward as he falls in love with Peg's beautiful, young daughter Kim (Winona Ryder). However Kim is trapped by a jealous and controlling boyfriend who threatens Edward to stay away from Kim, but causes more trouble for doing so. Edward continues to learn the norms of society as the audience is opened up to his tragic past and how he came to have scissors for hands. His story continues as he plans to set up his own salon from discovery of his skill for it with the help of Peg and interfering, slutty neighbour, Joyce (Kathy Baker).
He then, unknowingly is tricked by Kim's boyfriend into some illegal activity, as he is unaware of the consequences and the bad morals behind doing so.

The story, plain and simple is about survival and love. And even if the narrative of a man with scissors for hands shouldn't work, it so does. Burton is a genius, his work is always proof of that, but this piece shines even more so. Definitely a good watch, I recommend it strongly!

The Start of Something New

Hi guys, 

Basically my plan is to watch 365 films in 365 days! Crazy, I know. But I found myself becoming more and more aware that I am not very media literate on the classic films that everyone should watch at least once in their life. So I decided to set up this blog in order to watch these films and review them. Obviously, I have seen the absolute classics such as Star Wars and the James Bond films, but I haven't seen the classic, well known films that uplift actors careers and shape generations of films to come. 
Therefore I have gathered my close friends and family to list me their favourite films and what they believe the be classic films, as well as my own input to come up with the perfect criteria of films in which to watch in this year. 
I will confess two things before starting:
Firstly on some days I won't post due to school exams, Christmas etc; but will make up for this by posting two films in one day. 
And secondly my first film I have seen before, however only by a week and I chose this film to start my blog off with as by watching it for the first time not so long ago, it gave me the idea to do this blog. So I decided for that film to pin point the start of this magical quest that I am about to embark on. 
