Friday 15 November 2013

Film #13: FUNNY GIRL (1968)

Another musical, I know I'm slightly obsessed. But I really wanted to watch this film as one of friends has been dying for me to see it and it contains one of my favourite songs, My Man.
The film was good but I felt, like with all older films, that it was too long and easily could have had 20 minutes taken off from it and it still would have been enjoyable to watch as it currently is.
The film is set around the life of Fanny Brice (Barbra Streisand) and her life towards fame and stardom. After battling her way through the chorus line she manages to get a solo in a show, which then leads to an offer from one of the most well known theatre producers, Florenz Ziegfield (Walter Pidgeon). This leads to her meeting Nick (Omar Sharif) who turns her world upside. He influences her to take risks, to be spontaneous and to live her life in the fast lane. However with pathetic fallacy mentioned in the beginning, Fanny starts to have a stroke of bad luck and a low period in her life between herself and her husband Nick. But she puts all of this into her work and makes it more powerful.
An ok film but even better for it's music and Streisand's voice is second to nothing.

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