Thursday 7 November 2013

Film #7: PRETTY WOMAN (1990)

Pretty Woman was recommended to me by my friends and they were right to it was a really good watch.
The film is based around the two extreme lives of Vivian (Julia Roberts) and Edward (Richard Gere) but just so happen to cross paths when Edward experiences a mini mid life crisis/breakdown.
Vivian is at a low in her life working as a hooker on the streets, one night Edward stops and asks her for directions she gets in his car and take him there. Not wanting to be alone Edward then invites her to come up to his hotel room as he's lonely and in need of company. After an awkward but funny scene of Vivian trying to get through the hotel lobby discretely, they then spend the evening together.
One thing then leads to another and Edward ends up hiring Vivian to stay with him for the week in which their friendship and love for one another grows. Edward spoils Vivian completely by buying her a new wardrobe and taking her out for dinners and to the opera.
A jealous rivalry comes from one of Edward's co workers as he knows of Vivian's true identity and tries to make a pass at her one several occasions.
A really well directed film and a heart warming rom-com, however the story lacks being believable  on a number of levels. A good Julie Roberts rom-com, although not my favorite as that will always remain with My Best Friends Wedding!

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