Wednesday 13 November 2013

Film #11: LINCOLN (2012)

Another Spielberg but he so lives up to his reputation.
This was another fantastic film with a great performance by Daniel Day-Lewis (Abraham Lincoln) and Sally Field (Mary Todd Lincoln).
The film did however surprise me, I did not expect it to focus so much on the slavery abolishing as appose to the American civil war, which is what most documentation of Lincoln is normally based around.
I enjoyed the film a lot and feel that I have slowly become a little obsessed with Abraham Lincoln and this film didn't help my obsession, I find him such and interesting character and is one of those rare characters in history that was perfect in every aspect of achieving great things and improving the future in a way that no one else can ever imagine possible. This film has highlighted that aspiration of Lincoln and has also given a new voice to him.
I will admit that at some parts the film was hard to watch due to it being very melancholy with lots of dialect and little alterations, however I do understand that Lincoln's life was very conversational and theoretical.
But overall a good film and I would definitely watch it again.

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