Tuesday 12 November 2013

Film #10: SAVING PRIVATE RYAN (1998)

This film has blown my mind.
It was so beautiful and so iconic words cannot describe how wonderful this creation truly is. I recommend everyone to watch it at least once in their life.
It's based around the Normandy invasion in World War 2, when James Ryan's (Matt Damon) mother is informed that 3 of her 4 children have died in combat and the last is missing Captain Miller (Tom Hanks) is set on a mission to find him and return him home to his mother. He takes his best men and travels across foreign lands looking for a missing person. After many battles and the loss of some of his men he finally finds someone who knows of where Private Ryan is. However getting him home is another issue as for Ryan to leave his post, would out more lives at risk. Captain Millers skills of war are put to the test as he has to plan for attack and survival of his men and Private Ryan.
This film is absolutely, mind-blowingly, awesomely, catastrophically out of this world. Definitely a new favourite of mine and one that I very much am looking forward to rewatching again. Spielberg did a spectacular job!

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