Wednesday 6 November 2013

Film #6: CABARET (1972)

As a lover of musicals today I chose Cabaret staring Liza Minnelli. The film is based around Minnelli's character Sally and her life. Including her job working at the Cabaret and her growing relationship with Maximilian (Helmut Griem) and Brian (Michael York). As the film progresses Sally becomes closer to both men, Brian can offer love whilst Max can offer her the life she's always dreamed of having. Which makes her life hard as she is too narrow in her feelings and life choices as they all revolve around achieving her dream of becoming an actor and living the high life. However like in any film, real life kick in and mature decisions have to be made causing Sally to review her relationships and life choices.
The film was enjoyable, if slightly peculiar at times. Although was fine acting by Minnelli, as well as wonderful singing of the classic songs such as 'Maybe this Time'!

However I am a bias musical theatre lover!

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