Tuesday 2 September 2014

Film #116: DEAR JOHN (2010)

I feel like I've watched loads of romantic films which really isn't like me, I don't overly like them which is probably noticeable from my reviews on here. I really didn't like this film. It was just so blah. There was nothing that really stood out for me like in The Notebook the kiss makes even the coldest of heart melt. But this film was just boring romantic mush. It's based around Amanda Seyfried and Channing Tatum's characters writing to each other after they fall in love one summer. It shows their different lives as Tatum's character is in the army and with Seyfried's character at college. But I just found it totally unrealistic of the events that occur in the film like falling in love so instantly and then basically changing their entire lives to be together when only knowing each other for such a short period of time.

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