Thursday 18 September 2014

Film #130: THE BUTLER (2013)

I honestly loved this film. It was so beautiful and well made. I thought that it was very well constructed as it wasn’t so long that it got boring but was still long enough to get a life time of a person condensed down with the most important parts in it. This was very important as it showed everyday moments of the family which made you become more aware of their dynamics and able to gain an opinion on each character. Furthermore this meant that when it came to the more emotional moments of the film you became attached to the characters and felt your heart break for them. It’s the story of a man who serves in the White House as a butler over eight presidents worth. I thought that this film so deserved all the awards it was nominated for and won. It starred Forest Whitaker and Opera Winfrey as well as many other big names such as Robin Williams (RIP), Jane Fonda, Alan Rickman, as well as many others. It truly is worth watching if you’re into more serious films.

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