Friday 10 October 2014

Film #195: SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE (1998)

This film is so annoying. I hated firstly how Gwyneth Paltrow played Viola as she is very clearly an American actress putting on a really fake and stupid British accent. I don't understand why they gave her the role when there are so many amazing British actresses that could have played the part just as well, I can't think of any at the moment who would have been acting in the late 1990's but my point still stands. Which is why I think it's terrible that Paltrow then got an Oscar for her performance. She's not English!!
The film overall is sappy and shit. I hate all these films about older big characters in history like Shakespeare as no one knows for sure the life he lead as it was so long ago and yet they make films about a story which could have happened and manipulate the audiences to believing it.

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