Tuesday 15 July 2014

Film #80: PHILADELPHIA (1993)

Tom Hanks again. I loved this film it was really lovely to watch the truth behind the prejudice of a typical case for people with AIDS. It was a beautiful performance from Hanks and he very much deserved the Oscar he received for this role. 
The story follows Hanks' character Andrew as he tries to fight AIDS and to sue his company for terminating his job to which he believes is because they found out about his illness. Therefore he seeks the help of Joe Miller, Denzel Washington, to help him fight his case. I also loved the relationship between the two character; as well as the performance also given by Andrew's partner Miguel, Antonio Banderas. 
It's a beautiful film but is also to a particular taste of film, it's very serious so if you have a comedy bone then this isn't the film for you. 

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