Tuesday 22 July 2014

Film #95: ROMEO AND JULIET (2013)

I feel torn with this film as I don't know if I liked it or not. I think I liked that it was using the actual Shakespearean dialogue but I didn't like the rest of the film. It was so wishy-washy and I didn't feel any sort of emotions in the final few scenes which are meant to move grown men and make the audience weep like small children. Yet I remained with my default face. Also I wasn't so keen on Hailee Steinfeld as Juliet she seemed the wrong pairing with Douglas Booth as Romeo. I also think as well that this particular Shakespeare play has been overdone and that the film industry should start looking more at the other extraordinary plays of Shakespeare. My favourite is Hamlet but also there are the historical wonders of Richard III or to do another film based on the plays such as She's the Man based on Twelfth Night and is one of the funniest films I've seen.

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