Monday 21 July 2014

Film #84: HITCHCOCK (2012)

I thought this film was really nice. It was nice to have a film that looked at the greats within film as the main narrative and Hitchcock was definitely one of the greats. As much as I love films like The Young Victoria and The Duchess which look at the historical royal figures and their lives, I loved that we got a film about the other greats that the world has seen through the film industry. I was also pleased that the film focused on Hitchcock's career defining film of Psycho and the difficulties he faced to get the film accepted by the various institutions. I loved the performance by Dame Helen Mirren as Hitchcock's wife Alma Reville; she brought a strength to the character that other actresses would not have been able to bring as she was a strong parallel in personality to Alma. I loved Mirren's performance with Anthony Hopkins who played Alfred Hitchcock, in particular there was one fantastic scene where they were editing together the famous shower scene and arguing whether or not to add music in the scene. I really liked this film, it's a great easy viewing film but not a great like what Hitchcock defined with his films and in particular with Pyscho.

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